Now I'm REALLY Nuts
It was the California Almond Growers Association, like I guessed it was. They are preparing to launch a major advertising campaign in order to get people to eat more….. Almonds (go figure). They wanted our feedback on how and why we eat what we eat, what makes us want to eat healthy food, or junk food, and we also looked at some sample magazine ads, and asked us tons of questions about what we liked or didn’t like about them.
I gather that it is mostly a magazine campaign, due to the sample ads they showed us, but they also might fit in with internet pop up ads. The magazines I think they are targeting are of course, any having to do with food, but I also heard mention of health magazines, and specifically they mentioned Time, Sports Illustrated, and People magazine. Their logo is easy to spot, it’s a yellow triangle, with a lower case “A” in the middle. So, if in the next few months, you notice these type of ads start to pop up, and IF they happen to specifically highlight the “Crunchy”, “Cardio” and “Cholesterol Reduction” points in the ads….. Those were my ideas :-)
P.S. – The Research people gave me 2 blank sign up cards, so they must be “recruiting” new people to participate in future Focus Groups. So, if anybody I know who is local, is interested in making some easy money from time to time by spending about 2 hours telling people what you think, let me know, and I’ll hook you up (18 years old minimum). See ya later, I’m off to scarf some “Blue Diamond Almonds”.
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