Tuuuuuubing..... On A Sunday Afternoon
They pile you into these school buses, with all the tubes, and take you up the river, and there are 2 locations for pick up at ~ 2 hours float and 4 hours float. We did 4. Someone advised me to bring an old sheet to drape over the tube, and that was wise, because I think a black inner tube might get awfully hot in the Arizona sun after 4 hours (Ya Think?). I also brought a little $4.00 kiddy raft in toys r us, to float my cooler (smart huh?)
I couldn't help noticing that not only are "super soaker water gun" wars apparently the norm on the river and among the "tubers", but it is also apparently a tradition to participate in an activity I named...... "Marshmallow Bombardment". Several of the people in our group had bags of those large marshmallows, and we spent quite some fun time, lobbing them at other rafters we floated by. I thought it was some sort of thing only our group did, until about half way down the river, some other "innocent looking" group of rafters shot us with their own Marshmallow Bombardment when we floated by.
Plus, the only cooler restriction, is no glass bottles, so we had quite the fun time with Mr Budweiser, and those little pint plastic bottles of margaritas that we brought along with us. Good thing though that I brought along my SPF30 Sunscreen. Funny thing, when I was talking to another friend of mine, and describing the good time I had, she said "You know, that tubing stuff is just an excuse to do nothing but float down the river, drinking beer".
Yeah, So What? I wonder...... What was her point :-)
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