Slice Of Life

Slice Of Life, is a Weblog (BLOG) that I write, in which I try to tell some sort of story about something, or someone in my life. Sometimes it's happy, sometimes not, sometimes informative, sometimes...... HA, gotcha, did ya think that I was going to say not? Don't know me very well, do ya? :=) I will try to update the BLOG from time to time, whenever I can.

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Location: Chandler, Arizona, United States

My personality is outgoing, I use to be a wallflower, until I realized that it was all the outgoing people that were having the most fun. It was a tough conversion, but nobody I know today would even remotely consider me to be a wallflower. Basically, when I was young, my parents taught me that if you work hard, you can accomplish anything. I haven't quite found the "anything" part to be always true, but it has inspired me to always try to do, and be, my best.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Cookie Here, Cookie There, Cookie Cookie, Everywhere

It's that time of year again. I'm being bombarded by cookies, ie: the annual "Girl Scout Cookie Blitz". Every year I say to myself, that's it, I'm not buying cookies from every little girl in a green outfit that comes knocking on my door, no way, no how. So, of course this year, I ended up buying from all of them..... again.

I can't help it. I was a Boy Scout from age 11-18, and growing up in Manhattan NYC, I think that I initially did it because the first Troop that I belonged to (Troop 680 - Holy Rosary Catholic Parish Sponsored) had a standing policy of trying to go camping at least once every other month, and when you grow up in The Concrete Jungle of NYC, going out into the middle of the forest, and pitching tents, and cooking over open fires, was like being transported to another life, I loved it. If it wasn't for my Scouting experiences, there's no doubt in my mind that I would be a different person today.

So anyway, despite the fact that they deleted my favorite "Macadamia Nut" cookies, I guess I'll have to console myself with the Chocolate backed shortbread ones, the peanut butter ones, the oatmeal ones, and all the rest that haven't been delivered to my doorstep yet. As far as I remember, I THINK that I have either 10, or 12 boxes coming. That may not sound like allot of cookies to some families with kids, but my household is just me. If you don't count an occasional oatmeal cookie that "somehow" the dogs get.

Soooooooo, I guess I'll just have to "suffer" through it. SIGH...... it's a "rough" life. It's going to take quite a bit of additional workouts on my elliptical machine, to burn off all those calories, and it's a tough job, eating all those cookies, but somebody's just..... got to do it. Next year, I won't go so order crazy, next year, it will be different....

Sure it will :-)


Blogger Roonie said...

You are sweet. We practically have our own neighborhood Girl Scout Cookie Salesgirl, so we are loyal and don't buy any from anyone but her. Although, I have to admit, when I go to the mall, I do have a tendency to pick up a few boxes from the pathetic little table in the middle of the rotunda as well.

February 24, 2005 11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love those Girl Scout cookies! I look forward to that time of year! Can you honestly say that any other pre-packaged cookies are as good as those?

February 24, 2005 11:25 AM  
Blogger TomH said...

Fayza: Yeah, there's a local Girlscout in my neighborhood too, but 2 more came to the door, plus one guy I work with has a daughter, sooooo.... I'm a sucker for "choclate" anything, and at the moment, I'm in the process of eating the remaining 1/2 box of "All Abouts" I have in my cubicle. YUM!

February 24, 2005 1:08 PM  
Blogger TomH said...

Blogbelle: Oh, there's no doubt GS cookies are MUCH better then the supermarket pre-packaged stuff. Still..... they don't even come close to my sisters oatmeal raisin :-)

February 24, 2005 1:12 PM  

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