Slice Of Life

Slice Of Life, is a Weblog (BLOG) that I write, in which I try to tell some sort of story about something, or someone in my life. Sometimes it's happy, sometimes not, sometimes informative, sometimes...... HA, gotcha, did ya think that I was going to say not? Don't know me very well, do ya? :=) I will try to update the BLOG from time to time, whenever I can.

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Location: Chandler, Arizona, United States

My personality is outgoing, I use to be a wallflower, until I realized that it was all the outgoing people that were having the most fun. It was a tough conversion, but nobody I know today would even remotely consider me to be a wallflower. Basically, when I was young, my parents taught me that if you work hard, you can accomplish anything. I haven't quite found the "anything" part to be always true, but it has inspired me to always try to do, and be, my best.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Who Likes To Paint? Me, That's Who.

Good morning! How's It Going Everyone? Hanging In There, I Hope! ❤️

I don't know about you, but I'm still in a good mood today, over my "positive karma payback" valve non-issue yesterday (read my sol blog post)! Also, It's around 6:25am and I've already been up for an hour! Just call me early bird. Seriously, I need to be up early these days, the morning light falling from the dining room windows onto the dining table, is perfect for my current hobby, painting! No, not walls, pictures. 😊

I'm currently painting My RIP Dog, Julie's "Masterpiece By Numbers". The problem is, all that glass from 2 large windows, makes the dining room area itself too warm at around noon time, without closed blinds, or major AC support, so I open the blinds and windows, and paint in the early morning as soon as it starts getting light. 

As far as the painting itself, So far, I've been going slowly for maximum detail. I'm keeping track of the time, and so far, I've put in a total of 18 hours of painting, and I've finished..... The Face. Right, just the eyes, muzzle, and "stuck out tongue" areas, plus the patio background, and some black fur areas around the face, are done. 

Yes, I know, it sounds like a lot of time, and not much progress, but after all, it is a hobby, I really like doing it, and there's no rush to get it done. Plus, most of that time went into the face, not the background, because I knew that getting the face right, can make or break a painting like this. 

The good news? So far, I think that IT LOOKS AWESOME! And no, you can't see it yet, an "Artist" never shows uncompleted work. However, if you are one of those people who come by my house occasionally, I might make an exception. 

Anyway, Cheers, I Hope That You're Have A Great Day Too! 😀


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