Slice Of Life

Slice Of Life, is a Weblog (BLOG) that I write, in which I try to tell some sort of story about something, or someone in my life. Sometimes it's happy, sometimes not, sometimes informative, sometimes...... HA, gotcha, did ya think that I was going to say not? Don't know me very well, do ya? :=) I will try to update the BLOG from time to time, whenever I can.

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Location: Chandler, Arizona, United States

My personality is outgoing, I use to be a wallflower, until I realized that it was all the outgoing people that were having the most fun. It was a tough conversion, but nobody I know today would even remotely consider me to be a wallflower. Basically, when I was young, my parents taught me that if you work hard, you can accomplish anything. I haven't quite found the "anything" part to be always true, but it has inspired me to always try to do, and be, my best.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Fruit Farmer Tom

I'm A Fruit Farmer.... I'm a Fruit Farmer.... Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah.

So, if you've been following my past attempts to grow fruit trees in my back yard, you will know that I seem to have had little success with my Orange Tree, nectarine tree (bush?) and my apple tree. Right, I said apple. I know, I know, everyone says that you can't grow apples in Arizona. Well, I don't follow the crowd, I lead it :-)

Besides, I already proved them wrong. Right now, I have my first "sprouts" growing in Tom's Future Fruit Farming Corporation. My Apple Tree sprouted a bunch of flowers a few months ago, and now I have ~ 1/2 dozen little green apples. OK, they'll probably not develop into real apples, because everyone tells me that you need 2 apple trees to cross pollinate, and they have to be different species.... blah blah blah, boring explanation. Bottom line is, that the "Apple Experts" say my green apples won't develop. I say, so what. The tree still looks cool in the back yard.

The real deal, is the Nectarines. For those that don't know this fruit, it looks like, and tastes like a peach, only with a smooth skin. The fruit is also a little crisper then a peach, and I actually prefer them to peaches. I wasn't supposed to get any blooms or fruit from this plant, being it's only year # 2 since I planted it, and as any good fruit farmer will tell you, you don't get any fruit until year # 3. That's if you follow the crowd wisdom, I mean. I Don't, of course.

Even though my nectarine bush is only ~ 4 feet tall, this year it bloomed like a madman, and I actually now have developing fruit, about the size of golf balls. YAY. OK, it's really only 3 fruits, but hey, even Dole and Chiquita had to start somewhere, right? Hummmm, that just made me think of something..... Bananas..... That's a tropical fruit that grows well in hot weather, doesn't it? I wonder.........

Tom's Arizona Banana Company Inc..... It has kind of a nice ring to it, don't you think? :-)

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